lunes, julio 13, 2015

Machado Ventura turns Google down

Seems like Google made Cuba an offer it COULD refuse... You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. At the same time, most Cubans I know say that Machado Ventura represents the hardline past and this may be his Waterloo. Vamos a ver. 

Cuban Vice President Machado Ventura just spoke the following words about the future of the Internet in #Cuba:

"Everyone knows why there's not more Internet in Cuba, because it has a high cost. There are those who want to give it to us for free. However, that's not so the Cuban people can communicate, but instead with the purpose of penetrating us and carrying out an ideological campaign in order to achieve a new conquest. We must have Internet, but in our own way, with full knowledge that it is an intention of imperialism to utilize it as another way of destroying the Revolution."

El vicepresidente cubano Machado Ventura habló sobre el futuro de la Internet en Cuba:

"Todo el mundo sabe por qué en Cuba no hay más Internet, porque ello tiene un alto costo. Existen algunos que nos la quieren dar gratis, pero no lo hacen con el fin de que el pueblo cubano se comunique, sino con el propósito de penetrarnos y hacer trabajo ideológico para lograr una nueva conquista. Tenemos que poseer Internet, pero a nuestra forma, sabiendo que es una intención del imperialismo manejarla como una vía más de destruir a la Revolución".

Sent from my iPad

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